Malaysia is growing, both in terms of trade and in terms of technology. Having said that, Malaysian government has started embracing digital transformation more in the recent years, laying red carpets for state-of-the-art digital tools that provide all-in-one solution for businesses to break the monotony of repetitive tasks, eliminating human errors and maximizing productivity.

Businesses today must adapt to smart solutions in order to scale and sustain. Particularly, the businesses that are process intensive which involves recurring workload complication, should migrate to effective digital alternatives to get the work done faster and better. Out of all the processes, the one that is more draining and riskier to handle in any business, is the payment process.

Smart solution
payment mistakes

When it comes to payments, a mistake made cannot be undone. There is no compromise-one error, and the ledger must be redone. The introduction of digital payment eliminated human errors, reducing the risk and workload involved here by 90%. It helped businesses greatly save time, money and effort spent on traditional payment method. However, these digital payment tools overlooked one thing- i.e., providing a 360* solution which can cover all the payment challenges faced by businesses and this is exactly where RINGGITPAY MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE.

Here are 5 reasons why RinggiPay is the perfect payment partner for your business

Ringgitpay services

You needn’t go to different payment tools to solve different payment challenges

RinggitPay can take care of everything – From collecting payments to reconciling; from sending payment reminders to customers, to receiving payment status alert, RinggitPay’s payment solutions are curated for all payment related needs in your business.

Ringgitpay Pricing

You needn’t pay a lot of transaction cost

The custom-made pricing of RinggitPay is consciously set, taking the transaction volume and the size of every business into account.

Ringgitpay customer support

You will have a dedicated account manager who will be at your disposal to resolve any discrepancy you may face

RinggitPay provides a personalized customer support for merchants with an aim to smoothen their transition- from traditional to digital payments; to get their queries answered faster & to get their issues resolved at the earliest.

RinggitPay Partnership Ecosystem

You can stay assured of security as RinggitPay has a partnership eco-system comprising leading banks in Malaysia and other industry leaders vouchsafing RinggitPay for merchants to onboard without inhibition.

User friendly Ringgitpay services

Above all, RinggitPay is greatly compatible and user-friendly.

Hence, look nowhere, RinggitPay is here with everything that you need in one place. Transform your payment process stress-free with RinggitPay.