This time, it is the story of a parent!

Began, the new academic year with students entering the school, grinning at their classmates. Rishi left his daughter at school and headed to work. The parents were supposed to pay the term 1 fee before the school recommenced. Little did Rishi realize he was yet to pay term 1 tuition fee. But, Rishi was not the only parent in payment overdue list, there were quite a few.

The management decided to keep them posted about it. Rishi was one among the parents who decided to visit the school the very next day to pay his daughter’s term fee. But here is what happened,

Attempt 1: Rishi pulled over at an ATM to withdraw the fee amount as the school accepts only cash. Like a tragedy befell him, it so happened that there was only one ATM and it was a peak hour (and you know the scenario). He just decided to wait, withdraw the cash and postpone fee payment to the next day.

Attempt 2: The day after he successfully drew out money, went to finally pay the fee. He thought he was early, but the trail in front of him told otherwise. He looked at his watch, at the queue and at the single cashier in the fee collection counter and thought to himself, “not today”. He had to leave halfway as his work demanded him.
So, again the fee payment was postponed.

Attempt 3: The next day, when he visited the school to attempt payment for the 3rd time, to his surprise, there was no crowd and his inner monologue went “Thank God, I am really early today”. He relaxed a bit, wiped his sweaty forehead, leisurely walked to the counter, pulled out cash from his pocket when the cashier interrupted him and said, “Excuse me sir, the counter is closed today as our server down”.

Did Rishi successfully pay the fee at least in the 4th attempt? what did he do? It doesn’t matter! what matters is, he attempted thrice, but he failed. SO, if fee is overdue, DON’T BLAME PARENTS LAH.

This is a story of only one parent. Behind every successful fee payment, there are several attempts from parents’ end. Shouldn’t the management take this into consideration?

Here is a note from RinggitPay:

Let’s imagine if the school management had facilitated fee payment process with online payments- i.e., if they had sent automated payment reminders along with payment links for parents to just click and pay before the due date, Rishi wouldn’t have missed the payment. Not just him, but all the parents in the overdue list would have paid on time. There would have been absolutely no necessity for parents as well as the management to break a sweat, waste time and energy for it.

If the fee is overdue, who suffers? The Management. So, dear administrators, if you are reading this and your school is still stuck with cash payments, it is high time you digitize your fee payments today and get paid on time without any hiccups!

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