Partnership/collaboration, a path to greatest possibilities – One of the core beliefs of RinggitPay & is certainly a growth phenomenon, which every existing as well as emerging business of today should consider opting for, in order to turn versatile and be widely chosen.

What is power partnership and why do we call ours one?

A power partnership is where both parties agree to equally work for growth and value creation of each other. And RinggitPay does have power partnership as we shook on mutual profit, value addition, success and sustainability, with our wonderful partners.

As a PayTech company, RinggitPay aims to ease payment burdens through digitization, especially in process-intensive industries. For that, it is very essential for us to have strategic partnership with industry leaders of each industry we focus on.

Having said that, we are privileged to collaborate with some of the greatest banking entities in Malaysia – RHB Banking Group & Hong Leong Bank Berhad . We are also privileged to have Malaysian Association Of Tour And Travel Agents (MATTA) , iKEY Edutech , PropAssist, GOLIVE , EasyStore in RinggitPay’s partnership eco-system who are certainly instrumental in facilitating payment digitization process for businesses in the corresponding industry.

Our Payment partners- Grab , Boost , Touch ‘n Go Group , PayNet (Payments Network Malaysia) (Duitnow, FPX, Direct debit) Visa and Mastercard play a key role in simplifying payments and enabling smoothest transaction. Together we are powering through the process of completely digitizing payments for business in Malaysia.

Here is a recent article by Fintech News Malaysia that elaborates on RinggitPay’s partnership ecosystem, featuring some of our partners’ feedback on RinggitPay.

“Collaboration is Multiplication”- said the world’s well-known business leadership expert John C Maxwell;

“Collaboration equals innovation”- said the tech genius, founder and CEO of Dell Technologies, Michael Dell

Both couldn’t be more right, because in the course of completely digitizing payment operations for businesses in Malaysia, our affiliation with different industry leaders also paves way for innovating RinggitPay further by multiplying our userbase, thereby bringing in various user perspectives across Malaysia for us to improve the product.

We are looking forward to reaching the heights of digital payment innovation by welcoming more partners in our eco-system. Join us in the ally.

Ref Partner

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